Impact of the pandemic on children’s language and communication

BBC Radio Interview, S4C News Feature and BBC News Article on the potential impact of the pandemic on children’s language and communication skills.

Festival of Social Sciences

Interactive Session on child bilingualism with the Child Bilingualism Lab at Bangor University. These two events were held in Bangor and Cardiff in October 2022.

Raising awareness bilingualism in Down syndrome

BBC Radio Interview and BBC News Articles in English and Welsh on the bilingualism in Down syndrome project. This includes a radio feature on bilingualism research on BBC Cymru's Dros Ginio segment.

Alcohol-Related Brain Damage Awareness

BBC Radio Wales – Eye on Wales and BBC News Articles. Feature on Alcohol-Related Brain Damage Awareness project

Bilingual development in children with Down syndrome

A workshop for families and practitioners held at Cardiff Met University on the project to present thw findings relating to bilingualism in children with Down syndrome.

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